Friday, March 4, 2011

Favourite Character(:

Prompt: Harper Lee’s novel is full of interesting and richly painted characters. Which
character was your favourite and why?
Personally, my favourite character was Calpurnia. There are certain qualities about her that really make me respect her at that time. Something that impacted my view on her greatly was the fact that despite being dark-skinned, she does not appear afraid or oppressed by the fair-skinned Americans in any way. Note that To Kill a Mockingbird (TKaM) was set in the 1930s, and at that time, as everyone knows, there was much discrimination of the African American community by the white Americans. Calpurnia stands out in the way that despite being dark-skinned, she has knowledge and mindsets that are far superior than most of the so-called superior whites in Maycomb. For example, it is stated in the story that Calpurnia’s literacy skills are on par with most whites in Maycomb. At that time, most blacks lived in poverty and as a result, did not have the opportunity to get an education. Seeing how Calpurnia is an exception from the African American masses is something that really commands respect.
Calpurnia also manages to gain my respect and liking because of her viewpoints and beliefs. Being the victim of prejudice and discrimination, she remains strong and always reminds the children not to judge other people based on their background. For example, when Scout demonstrated a disliking towards Walter Cunningham solely because of his strange habits and his poor financial situation, Calpurnia reprimanded her and told her that just because Scout came from a more well-off family did not mean she could look down on others. Her belief that everyone should be treated equally is something that makes me like and respect her even more.
Calpurnia acts as the bridge between the children (primarily Scout and Jem) and the black community. By allowing Scout and Jem to observe the lifestyle of the African Americans, the children would have a better understanding of other people of different cultures, which would stop them from being prejudiced in any way against the black community. Calpurnia was also a strict teacher to the children, unlike Atticus, who was more lenient toward them, especially to Scout. Although she seemed strict, Calpurnia shows that she loves the children even more, as shown in the case where Calpurnia makes crackling bread for Scout, which Scout loved to eat, and when she said that she missed having Jem and Scout as company.
Overall, these are the main reasons of why Calpurnia was my favourite character in the story. Having a strong mentality, impartial beliefs and being strict yet kind at the same time, Calpurnia really appeals to me as a reader.

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