Friday, March 4, 2011

25 facts you have never known about!

Hi readers, today I am going to tell you TWENTY FIVE awesome facts that I bet you did not know. Without further ado, let’s go!
1. Did you know if you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee?
(How worth it.)
2. If you toss a penny 10000 times, it will not be heads 5000 times, but more like 4950. The heads picture weighs more, so it ends up on the bottom.
(I wonder who actually flipped the penny 10000 times.)
3. The Black Ironwood tree (Olea laurifolia) has wood so dense that it can’t float on water.
(Imagine how many sailors learned this the hard way.)
4. The bark of the giant redwood tree is fireproof. In fact, redwoods depend on fire to clear room for their growth, and to enrich the forest soil for seeds to sprout.
(You don’t see this in survival manuals.)
5. Chained dogs are 3 times more likely to bite.
(Aww. Now everyone unchain their rottweilers! Don’t worry, they won’t bite.. much.)
6. Spotted skunks do handstands before they spray.
(Expert gymnast alert!)
7. Owls are the only bird that can see the color blue.
(I don’t see the point of Mother Nature restricting this to owls.)
8. A cockroach can survive without its head for nine days. At the end of nine days, it dies because of hunger.
(If you are headless, what’s the point of staying alive anyway? Head transplant?)
9. The Quahog Clam can live up to 400 years.
(I wonder why the scientists even bothered observing the clam for 400 years.)
10. A tarantula can survive for more than two years without food.
(I bet some wacky scientist is going to combine human and tarantula DNA sooner or later.)
11. Paul Hunn holds the record for the loudest burp, which was 118.1 decibels, which is as loud as a chainsaw.
(What did that guy eat?!)
12. An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain.
(I know a few people like that.)
13. Radio waves travel so much faster than sound waves that a person listening to a campaign speech by radio broadcast can hear the words 18,000 kilometers away before a person sitting at the back of the convention hall where the politician is speaking!
(Aww what’s the point of live concerts then?)
14. More humans are killed every year by falling coconuts than by shark attacks.
(When is Hollywood going to make THAT blockbuster movie?)
15. The tropical jewel wasp injects a venom into cockroaches that disables their insect version of free will, turning them into roach-zombies!
(Another great Hollywood horror movie idea)
16. The kitchen appliance staple known as the Microwave Oven was invented after a researcher happened to walk by a high-powered radar tube one day and a candy bar in his pocket melted.
(Not so ingenious anymore, eh?)
17. Astronauts in space cannot belch – without gravity, gas cannot separate from liquids in their stomachs.
(No compliments to the chef then)
18. If the brain stem is left intact after beheading a chicken, it can continue to live (with some care in feeding). There is one documented case of a headless chicken living on for 18 months after he was supposed to have become Sunday dinner.
(Mutated chicken much?)
19. In Jonathan Swift’s immortal Gulliver’s Travels [1726], the author described the size and speeds of rotation for two moons of Mars – Phobos and Deimos – more than 100 years before either were discovered!
(And who says creativity doesn’t mean knowledge?)
20. In seahorses it’s the male who gets pregnant and gives birth.
(Score one for stay-home dads)
21. A group of ravens is called a murder.
(“Oh look, a murder!” “Where, where?”*Points to ravens* “Oh.”)
22. Starfish don’t have brains.
(That’s even worse than the ostriches.)
23. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.
(Shrek’s pal doesn’t seem so cute and funny anymore eh?)
24. Walt Disney was afraid of mice.
25. Turtles can breathe through their butts
(Can animals get any weirder?)

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