Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Perseverance: My story

This will be the last post of the term, and I will be sure to end it on a happier note! :D Today, I will be writing on perseverance, albeit with a twist. Read on! :)

Two weeks ago, on Wednesday, we had Infocomm Studies at the last period. As the lesson was held in the computer lab, some of my friends and I decided to head to the canteen at the JC to have lunch, as it was closer to the computer lab. At the canteen, I ordered rice with chicken in some sort of sauce. I tucked in promptly, as I was exceptionally hungry that day and could not wait for lunch. However, after I finished my lunch and put back the plate, tragedy struck. All of a sudden, my stomach had a sharp and excruciating pain, and it felt like it was stabbed by ten knives. The pain was sudden and unexpected; one moment I was talking normally to my friends, the next moment I was clutching my stomach. I must have looked like a fool to the people there; what with me constantly groaning in agony and with the expression on my face.

After a while, the pain seemed to subside a little. At the same time, I saw someone buy muah chee in the canteen. As I did not feel as pain, I reckoned that a little muah chee wouldn’t do much harm to my stomach. Furthermore, it was at $1 for a packet! Who could resist that offer? I went on to buy a packet of muah chee and starting eating it. However, as if my stomach was annoyed at my cocky attitude and wanted to punish me, the pain worsened again! It was like the beginning, and once again, I was victim to nature and could not continue eating my muah chee. At that time, I was of the opinion that if my stomach was feeling pain, muah chee could relieve my pain, because muah chee was made up of peanuts and some paste, and I figured that two negatives made a positive. Now that I think back on this, I am really amused at my foolish thinking LOL. My friends also urged me to find a toilet, but as I was unfamiliar with the place, I decided to head back to the high school section instead of trying to find a toilet in that unfamiliar environment with my agonising stomach.

The trip back was an arduous and painful one. It required perseverance and determination of the highest degree. Not once was I needed to muster so much courage; not once was I needed to have so much willpower; it was one of the longest trips ever. Ok, well, I may have been exaggerating a little here; but you get the picture. To put it plainly, it was not fun. Every few steps (or limps) I took required me to bend down for a while. At the same time, my face was twisted into emotions and expressions that cannot be described in words. All my friends were laughing at my comical expressions (shame on you guys!) and I bet other students who saw me must have been thinking I was some strange kid (haha, look at that nerdy bald bespectacled guy).

As I reached the clocktower, another obstacle proved to be in my way. There are were so many steps leading up to the clocktower, and it was indeed an uphill battle for me to be able to make it up. Fortunately, I still managed to make it up there, and I rushed (or limped ): ) as quickly as I could to the nearest toilet, ignoring the melodic music that was playing (which was part of the Wednesday Lunchtime Performance). As I finally reached my destination, I headed to the cubicle, and as I heard the ‘pop’ sounds echoing under me, a wave of relief swept through me. I know this sounds rather... gross, but I assure you, I’m merely writing a recount of my not-so-enjoyable experience. :)

Well, the title of my post is about perseverance, and indeed, I have learnt the importance of perseverance. Without sheer grit and perseverance, I would not have made it back to the toilet. No amount of lectures, worksheets, or sharing sessions will ever teach me of the importance of perseverance better than this one incident. However, I DO NOT want it to happen again. One is definitely enough!!


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