Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The first step is NOT denial

Hello readers, today I shall blog on a human interest topic, denial. Hope you guys enjoy reading! :D

Let me paint a scenario here: You are in a lesson one day, with around 25 other classmates in the same room. Suddenly, you have a sudden urge to break wind. As hard as you tried, you could not hold it back and had to break wind. The sound was loud, and many people started staring in your direction. What do you do, then? Do you admit that you were the one who broke wind and apologise to your classmates, or would you try to pretend that it wasn't you to save your face. I believe, in the image-conscious society of today, most people would choose the latter.

However, is denial always the best way out? When we face embarrassment, do we just lie our way out and save our faces? When we face defeat, do we deny the fact that we have been knocked down and refuse to get back out? Is denial, the easiest way out, the best way out? Do we merely evade our problems? Any sensible person would face the problem head on. Instead of evading blames and salvaging our pride, why not we just admit to our mistakes and learn from there? Why do people always choose to take the easy way out of everything? I firmly believe that denial is never the best way to handle issues, and we must take our obstacles heads-on, instead of dodging them.

Let's look at this from another aspect. By going through denial, you are lying both to others and to yourself. What is the point of lying to yourself? Does it make you feel better? Does it reduce the suffering? Although denial may help you to evade any harm for a short period of time, in time to come, even more serious social and emotional problems can arise, and cause even greater repercussions.

In conclusion, I advise everyone never to take the easy way out by denying everything. Denial does not solve any problem; it only prolongs the harm. I hope you guys have learnt something from this post, and resolve to take problems HEADS-ON!


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